Who’s Minding The Store?
Are you getting the best results?
How mature and well defined is your Corporate Governance when it comes to IT?
Are your Information Systems managed and operated within the guidelines of an efficient and internationally recognized framework?
Do you have clear lines of accountability for your critical line of business systems operations
Most importantly – Are your staff uniformly well trained in the use of your solutions?
Are they well informed and enabled by your information technologies?
Is your Vision Being Realized?
Do you have fantastic analytics and reports that keep you updated in real time and help you to plan your next market dominating move?
Agility is the catalyst for transformation
Can you envision improvements? Are your business systems sufficiently agile and efficient or are they slowing you down in some areas?
How well integrated are your systems? Who is driving your business systems innovation and reviewing efficiency and technology alignment beyond the replacement of servers and workstations?
If it’s not them, it’s You!
Can you envision improvements? Are your business systems sufficiently agile and efficient or are they slowing you down in some areas?
How well integrated are your systems? Who is driving your business systems innovation and reviewing efficiency and technology alignment beyond the replacement of servers and workstations?
How well managed are your risks?
Is there a qualified person appointed to administer clearly defined IT compliance policies and processes?
Do your DR Plans go beyond individual system backups and cover whole systems recovery and the ability to run the business offsite?